Simple properties of items can be primitive data types, such as integers and strings, or a special data type called content, which is used to store bulk data such as the bytes of a file. 简单的项属性可以是基元数据类型,例如整数或字符串,或者是称为内容的特殊数据类型,这种数据类型用于存储诸如文件字节等批量数据。
As discussed in the rest of this article, the free and open source community provides a few advanced alternatives to this somewhat primitive file monitoring solution. 正如本文后面指出的,开放源码社区提供了几个免费的高级工具,可以替代这种原始的文件监视解决方案。
Each XSL Transformation primitive is associated with a map file that describes the transformations to be made to the input XML. 每个XSLTransformation原语都与一个映射文件相关联,该文件描述将对输入XML进行的转换。
The Message Broker does not supply this form of output node among its primitive nodes ( readers may be interested in finding out more about IBM's Message Broker File Extender product). MessageBroker并不在其基本节点中提供这种形式的输出节点(读者如果有兴趣,可以了解有关IBM的MessageBrokerFileExtender产品的更多信息)。
This paper presents a special method that does not need the comparison of primitive diagram file to take out hiding message immediately. 提出不需要原始图文件比对即可提取出隐藏信息的方法。